Christmas is such a Beautiful Time of
the Year!
For you see, I still Believe in Santa!
Santa is Everyone I know, For when I pass They
always *Smile*
I just ask my Husband
a day ago, Hon why do People always
smile at me?
He said Darlin, for the 26 years I have known
you, People have always smiled at you..
For you have that face that welcomes every
soul! Well, I am not sure this is true..
But In my Life, I have been so Blessed with so
Many Beautiful *Smiles* From The Young ,and
The Ole! That my Life has been a Joy!
Always Believe in Magic! For The Magic of
a Smile, Is Golden in your Hearts!
Forever More!
Merry Christmas to all!
Thank You Soaring Eagles! *HUGS*
Send a Stocking!!!
Aww Thank You Wee One Katrina, you cute Kat *W
Thank You Wabbit! LOL *S&*HUGS*
Look what Chocolatet did to me! Ooo Lisa Devil will get you giggle
Yikes I got wrap again, This time DStarshine, me pal, my Bud did
this to me! *Giggle* Lisa Devil get her too! *WEG* *L*
Yikes! Just when you get wrap 2 times, a Youbee Angel
Fly's in and does it again! 000ooooo I will get you my Pretty!
and your Little DogToo! *WEG* ROTFL!
Gee Lady Lisa under three Trees!
Look out now, I will get my bag a coal out on Yall! LOL
Send a Spirit Flower!
Aww Thank You Fairy Fanora! *HUGS*
Thank You Lady BG *HUGS*
Send Presents to Everyone On Your List
Aww Wow Look what Fairy Fanora sent me, she said I was good! giggle
Send a Spirit Flower!
Thank You D'Madd Wabbit *G you always spoil me *S
Thank You Sissy ~D'Erin~ *S
Thank You D'Madd Catapillar *W
Send a Stocking!!!
Send a Stocking!!!
Thank You D'Madd Wabbit *Wink*
aww Thank You Sissy Star *HUGS*
aww Thank You Nina *HUGS*
aww Thank You Fairy Whitedove *HUGS*
aww Thank You Wee Mack & Ruth! Love & *HUGS*
aww Thank You Sissy Witchy *HUGS*
aww Thank You Lori I miss you sweetie *HUGS*
aww Thank You Sissy *HUGS*
aww Thank You Wildncrazymomma *HUGS*
aww Thank You Amy *HUGS*
aww Thank You Crista *HUGS*